Søren Solkær ‘Passage’

495,00 DKK incl. VAT

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For more than two decades, photography has taken Søren Solkær around the world working on his personal art projects and commercial portraits. As a consequence, the world’s airports and aircraft interiors have provided a familiar backdrop for Søren’s working life. Søren has consistently booked the seats in front of or behind the aircraft wing, and photographing the wing and turbine became a regular ritual and a meditative practice associated with travel.

The book consists of some of the most memorable moments from his flights. Often semi-abstract images depicting ice crystals, rainbows, huge cloud formations, metallic structures or the sea of ​​light seen at nightly overflights of the world’s great metropolises. He has also incorporated his fascination with the graphics and design used in aviation – from the fountain, the graphic markings on the runways to the aerodynamic beauty that characterizes the wings. The images unfold from the etheric and meditative to explosions of light and the extreme forces of nature.

Specifications:   Edition Circle ・ 2021 ・ Hardcover ・ 25 x 31 cm. / 160 pages ・ English ・ 9788797267721

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Subtotal: 350,00 DKK

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